Bill Brough

RiskLogik_BillBrough Recently retired from the Canadian Armed Forces, Bill joined RiskLogik in 2013, contributing command experience in Jamaica, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Colorado Springs. His military experience includes responsibility for all individual and unit training and professional development programs for the Canadian Army. He was also Inspector General of the Army in charge of Readiness Management Systems for the Canadian Forces, and was Command Director in charge of crisis management at NORAD’s nuclear-bomb-proof Cheyenne Mountain command center in Colorado Springs, which reacts to any air or space-based threat to North America. Bill also provided domestic civil support as Command Director at US Northern Command, where he supervised military response to the two major disasters to strike the United States during 2008 – Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. This response included medical evacuation, air, naval shipping and army units deployed to Louisiana and Texas. Bill’s background as an Armour Officer is also put to good use for RiskLogik clients where he applies systems thinking to ascertain second and third order decision effects caused by disruptive events.